Customer Experience Events

The 2024 Customer Experience
Leaders Forum - Rwanda


Kigali, Rwanda

About the CX Leaders Forum

The 2024 International Customer Service Week celebration in Rwanda will be marked by the Rwanda Customer Experience Leaders Forum & Awards. This is a platform for customer experience executives, and those leading customer experience programs from different organizations in Rwanda and Africa to learn, network, and better equip themselves with customer experience best practices and strategies.

The CX Leaders forum is a new platform for customer experience (CX) executives organized yearly in Rwanda and across Africa. A key part of these forums is access to local research on customer preferences in the country or region. Leaders get an understanding of the customer experience index (CEI) of their country or region and deep dive into the variables to look after in their transformation efforts.

The second part of the event is the Rwanda Customer Service Excellence Awards – the celebration of individuals and organizations within the country, that stand out in their customer experience delivery.

For all  inquiries please get in touch with us:

Tel:+250 796 162 434

Past Events

Forum Main Objectives

Country Specific CX Research

Provide access to country-specific insights on customer preferences, expectations, and satisfaction levels.

Access to Technology

Provide a first-hand understanding of existing CX Technologies and the value of choosing one technology over the other.

Sharing of Best practices

Share your CX challenges and get the opinions of experts and peers, listen to their challenges to enlarge your scope and become more future-ready.

Understand CX Trends

Understand future trends and learn what you need to know to remain competitive and future-ready.

Master Core CX competencies

Learn the core customer experience competencies needed by frontline and back-office staff and ways in which to manage the performance of CX Teams.

Network with Peers & experts

Network with peers, inspire and be inspired by what leading actors are doing in the CX space to have a competitive advantage.

What you get

  • Understand existing CX technologies, their functionality, and how to leverage these technologies for CX Transformation.

  • Understand ways in which to improve employee experience and better manage customer success teams.

  • Learn the core customer experience competencies needed by frontline and back office staff and ways to manage the performance of CX Teams.

  • Understand the key variables that affect customer experience and drive customer preferences in the country or region and how to approach these elements strategically.

  • Learn how to create closed-loop feedback systems and improve the voice of the customer programs.

  • Understand how to create loyalty programs that respond to customer needs and company objectives.

  • Understand current industry trends, network with peers, and be inspired by what leading actors are doing in the CX space to have a competitive advantage.

For all  inquiries please get in touch with us:

Tel:+250 796 162 434

Speaker Panel

Our speakers are Directors, heads of Customer Experience, and CX & technology, Experts. These are people with vast experience leading CX Transformation programs or providing solutions that transform the delivery of customer experience. 


Fidelis Karangwa

Head of Customer Experience - Access Bank Rwanda PLC

Fidelis Karangwa

Head of Customer Experience - Access Bank Rwanda PLC

Dr. Mawo Martin Luther

Sales & Marketing Director at Rwanda Mountain Tea

Dr. Mawo Martin Luther

Sales & Marketing Director at Rwanda Mountain Tea

Marie Francine UMULISA

HoD Customer Experience Management - Bank of Kigali

Marie Francine UMULISA

HoD Customer Experience Management - Bank of Kigali

Mirko Buonerba

Global Partnership & CX Senior Manager - SANDSIV

Mirko Buonerba

Global Partnership & CX Senior Manager - SANDSIV

Olivia Ntambara

Senior Manager Customer Experience - RwandAir

Olivia Ntambara

Senior Manager Customer Experience - RwandAir

Kpunsa F. Mbinkar

CX Expert & Author, Group CEO CX Touchpoints Group

Kpunsa F. Mbinkar

CX Expert & Author, Group CEO CX Touchpoints Group

Aimee Christella Umuhire

Head of Marketing Department - Sonarwa General Insurance
Aimee Christella Umuhire - CX Leader Rwanda

Aimee Christella Umuhire

Head of Marketing Department - Sonarwa General Insurance

Liliose Larisse Nyinawinkindi

Director of CX & Service Distribution - Irembo
Liliose Larisse Nyinawinkindi

Liliose Larisse Nyinawinkindi

Director of CX & Service Distribution - Irembo

Christine Teta

Senior of Customer Experience Manager - NCBA Bank Rwanda

Christine Teta

Senior of Customer Experience Manager - NCBA Bank Rwanda

Richard Kayibanda

Registrar General/ Head of Department at Rwanda Development Board (RDB)

Richard Kayibanda

Registrar General/ Head of Department at Rwanda Development Board (RDB)

Special Guests

Speaker to be Announced

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Speakers Coming Soon

<div class="project-desc"> Vestibulum eu turpis risus. Nullam fringilla diam tellus, eu volutpat massa ullamcorper non. Nullam lorem felis, sollicitudin vitae semper sit amet, facilisis sit amet lacus. Suspendisse ut ligula varius, dignissim velit sit amet, maximus est. Etiam nec mauris augue. Ut viverra tortor orci, ac ultricies magna molestie ut. Vestibulum eu turpis. Vestibulum eu turpis risus. Nullam fringilla diam tellus, eu volutpat massa ullamcorper non. Nullam lorem felis, sollicitudin vitae semper sit amet, facilisis sit amet lacus. Suspendisse ut ligula varius, dignissim velit sit amet, maximus est. Etiam nec mauris augue. Ut viverra tortor orci, ac ultricies magna molestie ut </div>

Belinda Mukunde

Head of Customer Service at DHL Express Rwanda

Belinda Mukunde

Head of Customer Service at DHL Express Rwanda

Marie-Rose DAYA T.

General Manager Customer Experience & Services - MTN Cameroon

Marie-Rose DAYA T.

General Manager Customer Experience & Services - MTN Cameroon

Dr. Sundjo Fabien

Head of Research & Certifications - CX Touchpoints Group

Dr. Sundjo Fabien

Head of Research & Certifications - CX Touchpoints Group


Chairman - Go Ahead Africa Ltd 2010 JCI World President


Chairman - Go Ahead Africa Ltd 2010 JCI World President


Country Head Customer Experience - UBA CAMEROON SA


Country Head Customer Experience - UBA CAMEROON SA

Clement YUYUN

Assistant Managing Director - Union Bank Cameroon

Clement YUYUN

Assistant Managing Director - Union Bank Cameroon

Coming up soon...


    • Customer Experience technologies
    • Rwanda Customer Experience Index
    • Customer Experience competences and Performance Management
    • Voice of the customer programs
    • Re-inventing Employee Experience and transforming CX through internal customer service.
    • CX trends and future readiness
    • Product (PX) & Brand Experience (BX) as a strategic tool for driving customer loyalty. 


  • Les technologies de L’expérience Client.
  • Indice de l’expérience client du Cameroun
  • Compétences en matière de CX et gestion des performances
  • Gérer les programmes “Voix du client” (VoC)
  • Réinventer l’expérience des employés et transformer le CX grâce au service client interne.
  • Tendances CX et préparation à l’avenir
  • Expérience produit (PX) et Expérience de marque (BX) en tant qu’outil stratégique de la fidélisation des clients.
2021 Cameroon Customer Experience Summit
Play Video about 2021 Cameroon Customer Experience Summit


  • 08:35 - 09:20 Main Event Hall
  • Presentation

    Mastering Customer Experience variables and the core pillars of Experience Management

  • 9:25-9:55 Main Event Hall
  • Presentation 2

    The Rwanda Customer Experience Index Research

  • 10:15 - 11:15 Main Event Hall
  • Panel Discussion 1

    Leading a successful Voice of the Customer (VoC) Program

  • 11:20 - 12:20 Main Event Hall
  • Panel Discussions 2

    Leveraging Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve Customer Experience (CX).

  • 13:25 - 14:25 Main Event Hall
  • Panel Discussions 3

    Re-inventing Employee Experience and transforming CX through Internal Customer Service.

  • 14:30 - 15:30 Main Event Hall
  • Panel Discussions 4

    Product (PX) & Brand Experience (BX) as a strategic tool for driving customer loyalty.

  • 15:35 - 16:35 Main Event Hall
  • Awards

    2024 Rwanda Customer Service Excellence Awards



Participation in the CX leaders form is on invitation only. Participation fees may apply depending on country region or scope of the specific forum.

For all  inquiries please get in touch with us:

Tel:+250 796 162 434


Throughout the 2024 Customer Service week we shall be organizing a series of high profile masterclasses delivered by our lead consultant Kpunsa F. Mbinkar ( Author & CX Expert). Join one of our two in person sessions to be delivered in Kigali on the 8th and 11th of October 2024. 

2021 Cameroon Customer Experience Summit
Play Video about 2021 Cameroon Customer Experience Summit

Customer Experience Events

These are customer Service / Experience forums, conferences, meetups, fairs, and awards organized by CX Touchpoints Group in Africa. These events bring together Cameroon's leading customer experience experts and industry practitioners, who share ideas, network, learn, and develop strategies for transforming the customer experience in the country.

Partners & Sponsors

Coming up soon...